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Weber WSM , Humphrey’s Pint, Humphrey’s Battle Box
When I first started getting into BBQ, I bought a 18.5" Weber Smokey Mountain. These WSM's pack a lot of bang for the buck. After learning the basics I picked up a WSM 22.5 (pictured on the left). With these 2 WSM's I was able to smoke multiple meats at different temps. The only thing I didn't like about them is they didn't have pull out racks. The pull out racks make it very easy to move meat around for competitions.
My next step up was the Humphrey's BBQ smoker (larger blue smoker). Much like the WSM this is a vertical water smoker. The difference is this smoker has pull out/adjustable shelves and is insulated. When your smoking in the North East this is great for those winter months. My friend ended up getting the smaller version.
You can see the BBQ Guru's in the picture. These are great for overnight cooks or when you have to get away for a little while. I normally just open the pinwheel in the front (for air flow) and smoke without any electronics.
Kamado Joe Classic
I started off with a weber kettle. It was great and I fine tuned my grilling skills. I then wanted a grill that I could use when its colder. So I went with a Kamado Joe Classic. This was truly a game changer for me. It works great no matter what the outside temperature is. The multi level racks (Divide and Conquer system) is so useful. To be able to go from a low smoke to a hot sear in a matter of minutes is so awesome. From seafood, steaks, chili, stir fry, pizza, this thing can do it all.